Green Apple Lane Design | Graphic Design and Marketing Consultant for Business Owners and Marketing Directors

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Fresh Graphic Design, a La Carte

You’re here because you love our fresh designs. Maybe you’re thinking that you might want a new logo design soon, an updated website, or maybe you’re ready to launch your new business for the first time. Branding/rebranding your business or redesigning your website requires some investment and is usually an important decision you don’t come to swiftly or lightly. When you decide you’re ready to take the leap, we will be here and would love to help you develop your business, but in the meantime, we wanted you to know you can still work with us to help grow your brand right where you are now, with what you already have. 

Green Apple Lane can design social media graphics and campaigns to help expand your online presence.

Beyond fresh logo design and websites, we love designing graphics for social media (just a handful or a whole campaign); creative print collateral like brochures, stationery, flyers, media kits, rack cards, etc.; business cards; and even ads for print publications or blog sites.

How our a la carte design services work: contact us here about the projects you have in mind, and we can email you our price sheet and let you know an estimate of the design time the project(s) will take us. We charge an hourly rate for design time, with just a 2-hour minimum retainer to get started, and once you’re booked, we’ll keep you updated on our remaining time as we begin emailing you proofs! Super quick and convenient so you can start making small steps right away, and launch a fresh new look once you’re ready. Let us know what’s on your mind and how we can help!